
Animal Adoption

Monday, December 30, 2013

Oh December!

This month has proven its self challenging yet worthwhile. I was able to attend the holiday pictures my shelter hosted to help raise money. I admit I did not really help during the event because the opportunity did not present itself, I was able to see some really adorable puppies at the shelter. (I call all dogs puppies or doggies regardless of age.) I was able to see a beautiful Saint Bernard up close and let me tell you be was so cute and fluffy! Anyways it was fun to see them bring the dogs and have them pose either with their owners or by themselves. After that it has been usual business at the shelter. On some days I am so busy I do not know what to do next and on other days I just wander, checking on the puppies if they need anything. On days like these I like to take as many as possible on walks but sometimes it gets dark outside so I can't and I have to stay inside. However being around dogs can never be boring. I have fallen in love with another baby. He is new at the shelter so he does not have a name yet but he is an Australian cattle dog and he is gorgeous! One day I was pointing for him to move to the other side of his kennel and he decides to put my finger in his mouth. I couldn't stop laughing! I have been talking with more people and have been able to have more smoother conversations and even laugh along with some of them. It is nice now that I am not so shy anymore. As for pictures, I was having problems trying to find the pictures I took and transfer them but in my next post, I hope soon, will have all the pictures I needed for this months post. :)

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