
Animal Adoption

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

Animal shelters can best promote animal adoption through special animal adoption events because it attracts a lot of people, it's easy to broadcast, and is not limited to any time frame.


1.What types of events has this shelter hosted?
2.What types of events has this shelter attended too?
3.What is the budget limit the shelter has on events?
4.What needs to be invested in order to host an event and to attend one?
5.What kind of advertisement is seen when an event is approaching?
6.What kind of advertisement is used when this shelter is hosting one?
7.What is the average amount of people that are seen to attend an event?
8.What occurs during an event, are there games and entertainment?
9.Around how many other shelters attend to the events, are they from the same city or surrounding   ``ones?
10.Is it typical to see shelters just take dogs and cats to an event? Since some shelters have bunnies, ``horses, and other animals.
11.How are animals chosen when this shelter leaves to an event?
12.Do you think other shelters use this same method? If no, why do you think they use that one?
13.If a shelter were to host an event do you think more people would attend if more money were to spend on advertising for it?
14.How would you advertise for an event?
15. How would you prepare for an event?
16.Would you choose volunteers or staff members? Why?
17.Have there been any events that have a bad reputation and you wouldn't risk going?
18.Please describe an event you thought was well thought out, one you would say was a great event?
19.After attending an event do more people tend to walk in because they heard of this shelter while at the event?
20.How can animal shelters best promote animal adoptions?

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